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Interessanter Artikel: https://www.maz-online.de/Lokales/Oberhavel/Oberkraemer/Geocacher-findet-Muellhaufen-bei-Schwante


Moderator und ewiger Geonewbie
Wenn Du Müllsäcke interessant findest, ist das sicherlich interessant...

Aber Lost Places sind halt manchmal nichts für schwache Nerven. Ich erinnere mich noch gerne an eine E-Mail, die der Wartungstrupp von einem Einsatz bei GC2GJY9 schickte. Überall Blut. Bis an die Decke gespritzt. Ich kann gerade die Fotos nicht finden, aber es sah wirklich wild aus. Wie der Zufall es will, arbeitet die Frau eines alten Freundes als CSI (ja, wirklich!) als Expertin für Bloodstain Pattern Analysis. Ich schickte ihr also die Fotos. Sie so: "Uhhh... Wow. Klarer Fall: grausames Gewaltverbrechen. Guck mal hier: [mein Foto mit ungefähr 38 ausführlichen Notizen, von denen jede einzelne für einen Alptraum oder drei gut war]. Kein Zweifel: Messer, Halsschlagader, Kampf, HORRORTERRORMORDUIUIUIUI!!!1".

Wir also die Polizei gerufen. Zwei Tage später eine Nachricht in der Regionalzeitung: "Amateur-Horrorpornofilmer machen irgendwas mit Schweineblut."

Wir so: "Puh. Okay, Cache kann wieder aktiviert werden."

Ja, der wilde Osten und seine Lost Places... Soviel also zum Thema "CSI Schweinemord"... ;)


Moderator und ewiger Geonewbie
mic@ schrieb:
Und habt ihr diese Blutecke in euren Cache nachträglich eingebaut?
Also quasi aus dem LPC einen Dexter gemacht?
Das war nicht nötig. Der Raum war Station 6. Ich ärgere mich, dass ich die Fotos nicht finden kann - das sah wirklich beeindruckend aus. Der Raum war ca. 9m² groß und es war überall Blut bis an die Decke. Der Wartungstrupp hat vor der Aktivierung nochmal zur ganz großen Domestosflasche gegriffen. Serviceorientierung und so. ;)


Moderator und ewiger Geonewbie
Mein E-Mailarchiv ist nicht mehr das, was es einmal war. Ich kann Kathleens ausführliche E-Mail nicht finden. Aber das war der erste Befund. Mit mehr Bildern ging es dann stimmungstechnisch steil nach Süden, dafür stieg der Horrorfaktor exponentiell an...

So, Kathleen says, based on what can be seen, without accounting for any skewed perspective in the photos, the spatter in the front room is highly consistent with blunt force trauma. A lot of it. Someone beat the hell out of someone or something with a blunt instrument. She is interested to know if there was also spatter on the ceiling of the front room (if it has one) which would support this conclusion. The victim then staggers into the back room (directionality on the blood spatter between rooms is consistent with someone moving toward the back slowly and haltingly, with a few backward spatters from, e.g., an arm swinging backward). He/she/it collapses in the back room. Loses a lot of blood, but it's not straight pooling. There's rolling/flopping about a bit. All the smearing and the footprints definitely come after, as they're clearly on top of the earlier spattering in several places. Would be straight forward if there was a body left there. The odd thing with that much mess is that there isn't...

Kathleen, who knows way more than I, but also has less appreciation for the strength of the human spirit, thinks someone attacked either another person or an animal (can't quite get scale still), but probably a person. After the victim collapses in the back room, the attacker moves the body, but may be thinking irrationally about not wanting blood on their shoes, clothes, etc, and takes them off to do so, despite toe prints being as good as fingerprints.

I, on the other hand, don't think the footprints look like someone carrying a heavy burden, and there is no indication of dragging at all, even to start out, so either the victim is very slight (medium sized animal, or, God forbid, a kid), the attacker is quite strong or those aren't the attacker's footprints carrying the body away. I also believe people are more resilient, so I think it's possible that the victim staggers into the back room and collapses, and probably passes out from shock for a while. Eventually the victim wakes up, drags about on all fours, and finally pulls themself up to standing in the doorway (there would be hand prints on the side of the doorway not in the pictures). Then staggers out. Feet would be bare if the victim were a homeless person, or someone who was sexually assaulted, etc.

Kathleen points out that someone who suffered that much blood loss, in addition to significant injury, would be unlikely to be able to walk off at all, and would likely still be crawling, so doesn't buy my version of things.

But between these different theories, there might be some truth...
Kein Urlaubsort wo Schweinemord.jpeg