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ACB DCB und CBS in Rev 2375



Ja dieselbe logback.xml!
Nur habe ich da gerade einen Fehler festgestellt. Beim Starten von ACB/DCB wird die logback.xml manipuliert um den Pfad zu den LogFiles zu setzen. Hier gibt es aber eine Mischung aus ‚/‘ und ‚\‘ das scheint Android nichts auszumachen aber Windows will dann nicht mehr.
Ich habe den Code geändert und die nächste Version von DCB kann dann auch Loggen!

Der Key für ACB/DCB ist der gleiche. Du kannst ihn aus der config.db3 von ACB auslesen und bei DCB eintragen. Einen GetApiKey-Dialog gibt es bei DCB nicht.
Und Du kannst so viele Keys generieren wie Du möchtest. Ich habe hier noch keine Beschränkung bemerkt. Und ich habe wirklich viele. In jedem Android Simulator steckt ein eigener, auf Windows sind es 7 und auf meinem MAC auch nochmal 5, dann noch jeweils eine für die JUnit-Tests. Und nicht zu vergessen mein Handy!

Gruß Andre


So, ich nähre mich dem Ziel!

In der gerade hoch geladenen 2389 habe ich die OpenGL DescriptionView schon als default eingestellt.

Jetzt funktionieren auch die Links in der Beschreibung.
Außerdem habe ich zu dem KontextMenü einen Punkt hinzugefügt, mit dem ihr die Beschreibung in einem externen Browser öffnen könnt. Und zwar Offline. Ich nehme hier den HTML_Text der Beschreibung und speichere es Temporär auf der SD und rufe dann einen Browser mit diesem Lokalen File auf. Auch mit den Lokal gespeicherten Bildern.

Was noch nicht richtig geht, ist das ich dieses temporäre HTML in UTF-8 abspeichere. Damit gehen die Umlaute verloren. Aber ich Arbeite daran.

Das Icon für das KontextMenü ist noch gleich dem Hint und auch die Translation habe ich noch nicht angelegt. Das Icon muss ich erst am WE erstellen.

Gruß Andre


Hallo Longri hab grad upgedated aber die Beschreibungsseite wird nicht angezeigt. Gibt's da noch was zu wissen?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9295 mit Tapatalk


Copy & Paste kommt aber hoffentlich noch in die neue View? Und Zoomen?

Ich hab's noch sehr oft (gefühlt 50% der Multis/ECs/Letterboxen), dass überhaupt keine Description angezeigt wird (z.B. GC50JMP, GC4BBHX NullPointerException oder GC46RWV, GC3FB8A NumberFormatException,...)

Ansonsten finde ich, dass das schon recht gut aussieht - da hatte ich bei der Ankündigung Schlimmeres befürchtet...

Wie läuft das bei der Ansicht über einen externen Browser mit Bildern, insbesondere mit Bildern, die ACB noch nicht geladen hat? Werden das lokale Links oder Weblinks?


Wenn es lokale Bilder gibt, dann wird der HTML Code auf diese umgeschrieben. Wenn nicht dann nicht, dann wird das Original Web angezeigt.

Copy hatte ich noch gar nicht auf dem Schirm. Das sollte aber machbar sein.

Zoomen ist da schon schlimmer, dann müsste ich rechts/links scrollen können. Aber ich denke mal drüber nach.


Mal so ins Blaue gedacht. Hast du die Möglichkeit eine automatische Erkennung von Koordinaten Formeln hin zu bekommen?

Also dass ein
N48 AB.def E11 xy.zzz automatisch erkannt wird, eventuell markiert und auf einfaches draufklicken gleich kopiert?

Kann mir vorstellen, dass die zu vielen unterschiedlichen Formen, die jeder CO anders verwendet das zum Scheitern verurteilen.


Zoomen wäre schon wichtig. Oft ist die Schrift recht klein und bei Bildersuch-Multis wäre es schon praktisch, wenn man nicht immer in die Spoiler wechseln müsste.

(Vom Mobiltelefon gesendet)


Ich habe mir mal einen der Caches mit dem Fehler NumberFormatException geladen.

Und ich stelle mir die Frage, was soll denn das Sein?

	<font size="8&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;quot;">
			N53° (N+K).H D (J-N-C)
			<br />
			E009 4(A+H).L (M+K) (i-B-F)

Aber ich fange den Fehler jetzt ab und Ignoriere die Size Angabe in diesem Fall.

Genau das gleiche bei der einen NPE

<a href="#">

Das habe ich auch erst mal abgefangen und dann gibt es halt kein Link.

Der Andere Cache hat hier ein Image als href content. Das muss ich noch einmal behandeln.

Eine neue Version gibt’s aber erst Mitte nächster Woche, mein Trafic ist schon wieder alle.

Ingress ist wirklich grauenhaft programmiert, in Hinsicht auf Trafic und Akku!

Gruß Andre


Longri schrieb:
Und ich stelle mir die Frage, was soll denn das Sein?
	<font size="8&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;quot;">
Da das sehr oft vorkommt, tippe ich auf einen Bug in irgendeinem Editor oder vielleicht in einem Script bei Groundspeak... In der Release-Version sollte ACB einfach alles ignorieren, was nicht interpretierbar ist.


habe gerade die 2392 hochgeladen!

Zu den Abgefangenen Fehlern geseelt sich noch das Handling von GIFs.

Die Images müssen aber auf großen Bildschirmen (DPI) noch skaliert werden.

Kommt als nächstes!

Gruß Andre


Mit der 392 werden mir keine Listings angezeigt, weder Text noch Bild.

Werde sie de- und neu-installieren, wenns dann geht melde ich mich wieder.


Neu-Installation nach vorheriger DeInstall. hat nichts verbessert.

Folgender Ablauf:

- Filter setzen
- Listings ansehen: funzt
- im Listing scrollen: funzt, ist man zu hoch oder zu tief, dann folgt kurz eine weiße Fläche aber der Inhalt wird sofort wieder automatisch ins Display gezogen
- obige Prozedur mehrfach mit anderen Caches wiederholt & weitere Prozeduren durchgeführt, Map angewählt, Funde und Field-Notes etc, soweit einwandfrei

- aber danach werden keine Listings mehr angezeigt, die Beschreibungsflächen von allen Caches bleiben weiß, auch scrollen ist nicht möglich.

- LG-D855
- Android 5.0


Stürzt ACB dann ab?
Ich kann es leider nicht nachvollziehen.

Wenn ACB nicht Abstürzt, dann sollte eine Fehlermeldung in ein LogFile geschrieben werden.

Ich habe gerade noch einmal nach einem Android 5.1 Update fürs Galaxy Not 4 geschaut, aber außer die Meldung „muss bald kommen“, kann ich nichts finden.

Gruß Andre


Longri schrieb:
Stürzt ACB dann ab?
Ich kann es leider nicht nachvollziehen.

Wenn ACB nicht Abstürzt, dann sollte eine Fehlermeldung in ein LogFile geschrieben werden.

Ich habe gerade noch einmal nach einem Android 5.1 Update fürs Galaxy Not 4 geschaut, aber außer die Meldung „muss bald kommen“, kann ich nichts finden.

Gruß Andre

Beim erstenmal ist ACB völlig abgestürzt: alles war eingefroren, keine Reaktion, mußsste das Handy neu starten, danach aber nicht mehr.

Habe gerade einen Cache als Favorit markiert, danach der gleiche Effekt: Beschreibung ist blank.

Nach ACB-Neustart ist Beschreibung wieder da

Wo finde ich die LogFiles? hab nichts dergl. gefunden

Es gab nach 5.0 mehrer lang dauernde Programmupdates, min. 2, aber dieVersion wird immer noch als 5.0 angezeigt.


Wenn Du unter den Settings „Fehler finden“/ „Debug“ das Log Level auf Error/Warn/Info…. stellst, dann findest Du in deinem Arbeitsverzeichniss unter Logs/ die Logs.


Das ist der Inhalt der letzten Datei, konnte sie nicht hochladen, da txt-Dateien nicht fürs upload zulässig sind (lt. Fehlermeldung)

Falls Du mehr benötigts: bin die nächsten 4 Stunden offline

15:22:28.277 [Thread-3017] INFO CB_Utils.Log.CB_SLF4J - logger initial
15:22:37.913 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:22:48.230 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:22:54.242 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:22:57.261 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:22:57.264 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:22:57.266 [main] DEBUG C.G.Controls.MessageBox.GL_MsgBox - Dispose GL_MsgBox=> MsgBox
15:22:57.268 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:22:58.407 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:23:05.725 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:23:15.564 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:23:17.143 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:23:17.155 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:23:17.156 [main] DEBUG C.G.Controls.MessageBox.GL_MsgBox - Dispose GL_MsgBox=> MsgBox
15:23:17.158 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:23:17.961 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:23:25.009 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:23:25.020 [Thread-3184] INFO CB_Utils.Log.LogLevel - Set LogLevel to:ERROR

Das ist der Inhalt der vorletzten Datei:

15:23:25.032 [Thread-3184] INFO CB_Utils.Log.CB_SLF4J - logger initial
15:23:41.901 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:23:44.822 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:23:44.838 [Thread-3263] INFO CB_Utils.Log.LogLevel - Set LogLevel to:DEBUG

die älteste/erste Datei:

15:27:21.854 [Thread-3457] INFO CB_Utils.Log.CB_SLF4J - logger initial
15:27:21.862 [Thread-3457] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.splash - !GlobalCore.isTab => setRequestedOrientation SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT
15:27:21.864 [Thread-3457] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.splash - Android Version = 21
15:27:21.867 [Thread-3457] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.splash - Mesure FrameLayout w/h:1440/2292
15:27:21.869 [Thread-3457] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.splash - create new devices-sizes
15:27:21.870 [Thread-3457] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.splash - UI-Sizes
15:27:21.871 [Thread-3457] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.splash - ui.Window: 1440/2292
15:27:21.872 [Thread-3457] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.splash - ui.Density: 4.0
15:27:21.873 [Thread-3457] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.splash - ui.isLandscape: false
15:27:21.875 [Thread-3457] DEBUG CB_UI_Base.Math.UI_Size_Base - UISizes.initial()
15:27:21.878 [Thread-3457] DEBUG CB_UI_Base.Math.GL_UISizes - Button ------ W/H = 179.0/179.0
15:27:21.931 [Thread-3457] INFO de.cachebox_test.splash - Splash start Main Intent
15:27:22.117 [main] INFO de.cachebox_test.main - CACHEBOX
15:27:22.182 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - create ScreenLockTimer innstanz: 60000/60000
15:27:22.264 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Initial new gdxView=com.badlogic.gdx.backends.android.surfaceview.GLSurfaceView20{2f352d07 VFE..... .F....I. 0,0-0,0}
15:27:22.278 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - InitializeForView...
15:27:22.288 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.Views.ViewGL - Set: RenderContinous
15:27:22.292 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Main=> onResume
15:27:22.317 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Main=> onResume SuppressPowerSaving
15:27:22.329 [main] DEBUG CB_UI_Base.GL_UI.GL_Listener.GL - restart renderCB_UI_Base.GL_UI.GL_Listener.GL.RestartRender [Line:1743]
15:27:22.330 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.Views.ViewGL - Set: RenderContinous
15:27:22.489 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_UI_Base.Math.GL_UISizes - Initial UISizes => 1440.0/2292.0
15:27:22.491 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_UI_Base.Math.GL_UISizes - DPI = 0.0
15:27:22.492 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_UI_Base.Math.GL_UISizes - DPI != MapViewDPIFaktor 4.0
15:27:22.493 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_UI_Base.Math.GL_UISizes - Initial UISizes => isInitialfalse
15:27:22.494 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_UI_Base.Math.GL_UISizes - GL_UISizes.calcSizes()
15:27:22.567 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.splash - onDestroiy
15:27:22.863 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_UI_Base.GL_UI.Fonts - Generate scaled Fonts from skins/default/DroidSans-Bold.ttf
15:27:22.881 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_UI_Base.GL_UI.Fonts - generate font for scale 100
15:27:23.696 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_UI_Base.GL_UI.Fonts - generate font for scale 64
15:27:24.242 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_UI_Base.GL_UI.Fonts - generate font for scale 56
15:27:24.629 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_UI_Base.GL_UI.Fonts - generate font for scale 48
15:27:25.071 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_UI_Base.GL_UI.Fonts - generate font for scale 52
15:27:25.571 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_UI_Base.GL_UI.Fonts - generate font for scale 40
15:27:25.953 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_UI_Base.Math.GL_UISizes - GL_UISizes.calcPos()
15:27:25.974 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_UI_Base.GL_UI.GL_Listener.GL - Reset Continous rendering
15:27:25.975 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.Views.ViewGL - Set: RenderDirty
15:27:26.219 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_UI.GL_UI.Views.splash - ini_Sprites
15:27:26.909 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_UI.GL_UI.Views.splash - ini_Dirs
15:27:26.966 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_UI.GL_UI.Views.splash - ini_SelectDB
15:27:27.026 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:27:27.028 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:27:27.383 [Timer-16] DEBUG C.GL_UI.Controls.List.ListViewBase - SetListPos -> ScrollTO Item [0]
15:27:27.401 [Timer-16] DEBUG C.GL_UI.Controls.List.ListViewBase - SetListPos -> ScrollTO Item [1]
15:27:27.407 [Timer-16] DEBUG C.GL_UI.Controls.List.ListViewBase - SetListPos -> ScrollTO Item [2]
15:27:27.409 [Timer-16] DEBUG C.GL_UI.Controls.List.ListViewBase - SetListPos -> ScrollTO Item [3]
15:27:27.410 [Timer-16] DEBUG C.GL_UI.Controls.List.ListViewBase - SetListPos -> ScrollTO Item [4]
15:27:27.413 [Timer-16] DEBUG C.GL_UI.Controls.List.ListViewBase - SetListPos -> ScrollTO Item [5]
15:27:33.498 [main] DEBUG CB_Locator.Map.ManagerBase - dirOwnMaps = /storage/emulated/0/CacheBox/repository/maps
15:27:33.503 [main] DEBUG CB_Locator.Map.ManagerBase - add: austria.map
15:27:33.503 [main] DEBUG CB_Locator.Map.ManagerBase - add: denmark.map
15:27:33.504 [main] DEBUG CB_Locator.Map.ManagerBase - add: germany.map
15:27:33.504 [main] DEBUG CB_Locator.Map.ManagerBase - add: italy.map
15:27:33.505 [main] DEBUG CB_Locator.Map.ManagerBase - add: switzerland.map
15:27:33.506 [main] DEBUG CB_Locator.Map.ManagerBase - dirDefaultMaps = /storage/emulated/0/CacheBox/repository/maps
15:27:33.507 [main] DEBUG CB_Locator.Map.ManagerBase - dirGlobalMaps = /storage/emulated/0/CacheBox/repository/maps
15:27:33.564 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_UI.GL_UI.Views.splash - ini_CacheDB
15:27:33.565 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.DB.Database_Core - DB Startup : /storage/emulated/0/CacheBox/Hamburg.db3
15:27:33.601 [GLThread 3469] INFO CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Reading global settings: /storage/emulated/0/CacheBox/User/Config.db3
15:27:33.602 [GLThread 3469] INFO CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - and local settings: /storage/emulated/0/CacheBox/User/Config.db3
15:27:33.608 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [Friends] to:
15:27:33.611 [GLThread 3469] INFO CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Change Local setting [DescriptionImageFolder] to: /storage/emulated/0/CacheBox/Repositories/hamburg/Images
15:27:33.617 [GLThread 3469] INFO CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Change Local setting [DescriptionImageFolder] to: ?\hamburg\Images
15:27:33.621 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [DirectOnlineLog] to: false
15:27:33.626 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [DisableLiveMap] to: false
15:27:33.629 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [FieldNotesLoadAll] to: false
15:27:33.634 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [FieldNotesLoadLength] to: 10
15:27:33.638 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Override PlatformDB setting [GcAPI] from Platform to: *******
15:27:33.644 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Override PlatformDB setting [GcAPIStaging] from Platform to: *******
15:27:33.650 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Override PlatformDB setting [GcLogin] from Platform to:
15:27:33.654 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Override PlatformDB setting [GcVotePassword] from Platform to: *******
15:27:33.657 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [LiveCacheTime] to: h_6
15:27:33.661 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [LiveExcludeFounds] to: true
15:27:33.664 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [LiveExcludeOwn] to: true
15:27:33.666 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [LiveMaxCount] to: 350
15:27:33.668 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [LiveRadius] to: Zoom_14
15:27:33.671 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [ParkingLatitude] to: 0.0
15:27:33.673 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [ParkingLongitude] to: 0.0
15:27:33.676 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [PocketQueryFolder] to: /storage/emulated/0/CacheBox/PocketQuery
15:27:33.678 [GLThread 3469] INFO CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Change Local setting [ShowAllWaypoints] to: true
15:27:33.680 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [SpoilerFolder] to: /storage/emulated/0/CacheBox/repository/spoilers
15:27:33.683 [GLThread 3469] INFO CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Change Local setting [SpoilerFolder] to: ?\hamburg\Spoilers
15:27:33.686 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [StagingAPI] to: false
15:27:33.689 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [UserImageFolder] to: /storage/emulated/0/CacheBox/User/Media
15:27:33.691 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [conection_timeout] to: 10000
15:27:33.694 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Override PlatformDB setting [showSandbox] from Platform to: false
15:27:33.696 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [socket_timeout] to: 60000
15:27:33.699 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [HardwareCompassLevel] to: 5
15:27:33.701 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [gpsUpdateTime] to: 500
15:27:33.703 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [OverrideUrl] to:
15:27:33.706 [GLThread 3469] INFO CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Change Local setting [DatabasePath] to: /storage/emulated/0/CacheBox/Hamburg.db3
15:27:33.708 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [FieldNotesGarminPath] to: /storage/emulated/0/CacheBox/User/geocache_visits.txt
15:27:33.710 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [LogMaxMonthAge] to: 6
15:27:33.713 [GLThread 3469] INFO CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Change Local setting [LogMinCount] to: 10
15:27:33.715 [GLThread 3469] INFO CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Change Local setting [installRev] to: 2392
15:27:33.718 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [MapIniWidth] to: 480
15:27:33.720 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [MapIniHeight] to: 535
15:27:33.722 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [VibrateTime] to: 20
15:27:33.724 [GLThread 3469] INFO CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Change Local setting [FoundOffset] to: 2427
15:27:33.727 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [MapMaxCachesLabel] to: 12
15:27:33.730 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [MapMaxCachesDisplay_config] to: 10000
15:27:33.732 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [mapMaxCachesDisplayLarge_config] to: 75
15:27:33.734 [GLThread 3469] INFO CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Change Local setting [MultiDBAutoStartTime] to: 5
15:27:33.737 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [lastSearchRadius] to: 5
15:27:33.739 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [LastMapToggleBtnState] to: 0
15:27:33.742 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [dynamicZoomLevelMax] to: 17
15:27:33.744 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [dynamicZoomLevelMin] to: 15
15:27:33.746 [GLThread 3469] INFO CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Change Local setting [LastSelectedCache] to: GC59RVX
15:27:33.749 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [NavigationProvider] to: http://openrouteservice.org/php/OpenLSRS_DetermineRoute.php
15:27:33.751 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [FoundTemplate] to: <br>###finds##, ##time##, Found it with Cachebox!
15:27:33.753 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [DNFTemplate] to: <br>##time##. Logged it with Cachebox!
15:27:33.755 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [NeedsMaintenanceTemplate] to: Logged it with Cachebox!
15:27:33.758 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [AddNoteTemplate] to: Logged it with Cachebox!
15:27:33.760 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [DiscoverdTemplate] to: <br> ##time##, Discovered it with Cachebox!
15:27:33.762 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [VisitedTemplate] to: <br> ##time##, Visited it with Cachebox!
15:27:33.764 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [DroppedTemplate] to: <br> ##time##, Dropped off with Cachebox!
15:27:33.766 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [GrabbedTemplate] to: <br> ##time##, Grabed it with Cachebox!
15:27:33.769 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [PickedTemplate] to: <br> ##time##, Picked it with Cachebox!
15:27:33.771 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [SpoilersDescriptionTags] to:
15:27:33.774 [GLThread 3469] INFO CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Change Local setting [quickButtonList] to: 2,1,3,0,4,15,14,19
15:27:33.781 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Override PlatformDB setting [GcJoker] from Platform to:
15:27:33.784 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [Navis] to: Google
15:27:33.787 [GLThread 3469] INFO CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Change Local setting [CurrentMapLayer] to: germany
15:27:33.790 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [CurrentMapOverlayLayer] to:
15:27:33.792 [GLThread 3469] INFO CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Change Local setting [lastZoomLevel] to: 16
15:27:33.794 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [MoveMapCenterMaxSpeed] to: 60
15:27:33.797 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [MapsforgeDayTheme] to:
15:27:33.800 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [MapsforgeNightTheme] to:
15:27:33.802 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [ScreenLock] to: 60000
15:27:33.805 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Override PlatformDB setting [AppRaterDontShowAgain] from Platform to: true
15:27:33.810 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Override PlatformDB setting [AppRaterFirstLunch] from Platform to: 0
15:27:33.812 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Override PlatformDB setting [AppRaterlaunchCount] from Platform to: 2
15:27:33.814 [GLThread 3469] INFO CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Change Local setting [Approach] to: CB_Utils.Settings.Audio@f4b85d4
15:27:33.816 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Override PlatformDB setting [AskAgain] from Platform to: false
15:27:33.818 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Override PlatformDB setting [Ask_Switch_GPS_ON] from Platform to: false
15:27:33.820 [GLThread 3469] INFO CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Change Local setting [AutoResortSound] to: CB_Utils.Settings.Audio@1be6c37d
15:27:33.822 [GLThread 3469] INFO CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Change Local setting [CacheImageData] to: false
15:27:33.824 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [CacheMapData] to: false
15:27:33.827 [GLThread 3469] INFO CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Change Local setting [CacheSpoilerData] to: false
15:27:33.829 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [CompactDB] to: false
15:27:33.831 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [CompassMapMaxZommLevel] to: 20
15:27:33.833 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [CompassMapMinZoomLevel] to: 13
15:27:33.836 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [CompassNorthOriented] to: true
15:27:33.838 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [CompassShowAttributes] to: true
15:27:33.839 [GLThread 3469] INFO CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Change Local setting [CompassShowCoords] to: false
15:27:33.841 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [CompassShowGcCode] to: true
15:27:33.843 [GLThread 3469] INFO CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Change Local setting [CompassShowLastFound] to: false
15:27:33.846 [GLThread 3469] INFO CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Change Local setting [CompassShowMap] to: false
15:27:33.848 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [CompassShowSDT] to: true
15:27:33.850 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [CompassShowSatInfos] to: true
15:27:33.852 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [CompassShowSunMoon] to: false
15:27:33.853 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [CompassShowTargetDirection] to: false
15:27:33.855 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [CompassShowWP_Icon] to: true
15:27:33.856 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [CompassShowWP_Name] to: true
15:27:33.858 [GLThread 3469] INFO CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Change Local setting [CompassShowWpDesc] to: false
15:27:33.859 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [DeleteLogs] to: false
15:27:33.860 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [DescriptionNoAttributes] to: false
15:27:33.862 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [FieldnotesUploadAll] to: false
15:27:33.864 [GLThread 3469] INFO CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Change Local setting [FilterNew] to: {"caches":"1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.0,5.0,0.0,5.0,0.0,4.0,0.0,5.0","types":"true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true","attributes":"0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0","gpxfilenameids":"","filtername":"","filtergc":"","filterowner":"","categories":"^497^486^425^411^410^388^357^324^67^62^60^2"}
15:27:33.866 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [GCAdditionalImageDownload] to: false
15:27:33.868 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [GCAutoSyncCachesFound] to: true
15:27:33.870 [GLThread 3469] INFO CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Change Local setting [GPS_fix] to: CB_Utils.Settings.Audio@207f8272
15:27:33.871 [GLThread 3469] INFO CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Change Local setting [GPS_lose] to: CB_Utils.Settings.Audio@63576c3
15:27:33.873 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [HardwareCompass] to: true
15:27:33.874 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [ImperialUnits] to: false
15:27:33.876 [GLThread 3469] INFO CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Change Local setting [ImportGpx] to: true
15:27:33.878 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [ImportLayerOsm] to: true
15:27:33.879 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [ImportPQsFromGeocachingCom] to: false
15:27:33.881 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [ImportRatings] to: false
15:27:33.882 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [LiveMapEnabeld] to: false
15:27:33.884 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [MapHideMyFinds] to: false
15:27:33.886 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [MapNorthOriented] to: true
15:27:33.889 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [MapShowCompass] to: true
15:27:33.891 [GLThread 3469] INFO CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Change Local setting [MapShowDT] to: false
15:27:33.892 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [MapShowRating] to: true
15:27:33.893 [GLThread 3469] INFO CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Change Local setting [MapShowTitles] to: false
15:27:33.895 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [MultiDBAsk] to: true
15:27:33.896 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [OsmMaxImportLevel] to: 16
15:27:33.897 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [RememberAsk_Get_API_Key] to: true
15:27:33.899 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [SearchOnlyAvible] to: true
15:27:33.900 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [SearchWithoutFounds] to: true
15:27:33.902 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [SearchWithoutOwns] to: true
15:27:33.903 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [ShowDirektLine] to: false
15:27:33.904 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [ShowFieldnotesAsDefaultView] to: false
15:27:33.906 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [ShowFieldnotesCMwithFirstShow] to: false
15:27:33.908 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [SoundApproachDistance] to: 50
15:27:33.909 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [StartWithAutoSelect] to: false
15:27:33.911 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [SuppressPowerSaving] to: true
15:27:33.912 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Override PlatformDB setting [TB_DirectLog] from Platform to: true
15:27:33.914 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [TrackDistance] to: 3
15:27:33.915 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [TrackFolder] to: /storage/emulated/0/CacheBox/User/Tracks
15:27:33.917 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [TrackRecorderStartup] to: false
15:27:33.918 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [UserFilter] to:
15:27:33.919 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [UserFilterNew] to:
15:27:33.920 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [ZoomCross] to: 16
15:27:33.922 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [dynamicFilterAtSearch] to: true
15:27:33.923 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [dynamicZoom] to: true
15:27:33.924 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [hasCallPermission] to: false
15:27:33.927 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [hasFTF_PlugIn] to: false
15:27:33.928 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [hasPQ_PlugIn] to: false
15:27:33.930 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [newInstall] to: false
15:27:33.931 [GLThread 3469] INFO CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Change Local setting [quickButtonLastShow] to: true
15:27:33.932 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [quickButtonShow] to: true
15:27:33.933 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [switchViewApproach] to: false
15:27:33.934 [GLThread 3469] INFO CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Change Local setting [vibrateFeedback] to: false
15:27:33.936 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Override PlatformDB setting [Sel_LanguagePath] from Platform to: data/lang/de/strings.ini
15:27:33.937 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [FONT_SIZE_BIG] to: 16
15:27:33.938 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [FONT_SIZE_COMPASS_DISTANCE] to: 25
15:27:33.940 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [FONT_SIZE_NORMAL] to: 14
15:27:33.941 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [FONT_SIZE_NORMAL_BUBBLE] to: 13
15:27:33.942 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [FONT_SIZE_SMALL] to: 12
15:27:33.944 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [FONT_SIZE_SMALL_BUBBLE] to: 10
15:27:33.945 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [GestureOn] to: false
15:27:33.947 [GLThread 3469] INFO CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Change Local setting [GlobalVolume] to: CB_Utils.Settings.Audio@cc52b40
15:27:33.948 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [ImageCacheFolderLocal] to: /storage/emulated/0/CacheBox/repository/cache
15:27:33.949 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [LanguagePath] to: data/lang
15:27:33.951 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [LiveMapBackgroundColor] to: ccccffff
15:27:33.952 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [LongClicktime] to: 600
15:27:33.954 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [MapViewDPIFaktor] to: 4.0
15:27:33.955 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [MapViewFontFaktor] to: 1.0
15:27:33.956 [GLThread 3469] INFO CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Change Local setting [SettingsShowAll] to: true
15:27:33.957 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [SettingsShowExpert] to: false
15:27:33.959 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [SkinFolder] to: /storage/emulated/0/CacheBox/skins/default
15:27:33.960 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [SolvedMysteryColor] to: 33ff33ff
15:27:33.961 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [nightMode] to: false
15:27:33.962 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [useMipMap] to: false
15:27:33.963 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Override PlatformDB setting [AktLogLevel] from Platform to: ERROR
15:27:33.966 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [CBS_BLOCKSIZE] to: 100
15:27:33.967 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [CBS_IP] to:
15:27:33.969 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [DEBUG_MapGrid] to: false
15:27:33.970 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [FireMapQueueProcessorExceptions] to: false
15:27:33.971 [GLThread 3469] INFO CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Change Local setting [MapInitLatitude] to: 53.678167
15:27:33.972 [GLThread 3469] INFO CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Change Local setting [MapInitLongitude] to: 10.25775
15:27:33.974 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [MapPackFolder] to: /storage/emulated/0/CacheBox/repository/maps
15:27:33.975 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [MapPackFolderLocal] to: /storage/emulated/0/CacheBox/repository/maps
15:27:33.976 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [MapsforgeRenderType] to: Mixing
15:27:33.978 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [MoveMapCenterWithSpeed] to: false
15:27:33.979 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [OsmMaxLevel] to: 19
15:27:33.981 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [OsmMinLevel] to: 7
15:27:33.982 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [PositionMarkerTransparent] to: false
15:27:33.983 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [ShowAccuracyCircle] to: true
15:27:33.986 [GLThread 3469] INFO CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Change Local setting [ShowMapCenterCross] to: false
15:27:33.988 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [TileCacheFolder] to: /storage/emulated/0/CacheBox/repository/cache
15:27:33.990 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Default Local setting [TileCacheFolderLocal] to:
15:27:33.990 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.Settings.SettingsList - Settings are loaded
15:27:33.997 [GLThread 3469] ERROR CB_Core.FilterProperties - FilterProperties.FilterProperties()
java.lang.NumberFormatException: Invalid int: "{"caches":"1"
at java.lang.Integer.invalidInt(Integer.java:138) ~[na:0.0]
at java.lang.Integer.parse(Integer.java:410) ~[na:0.0]
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:367) ~[na:0.0]
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:334) ~[na:0.0]
at CB_Core.FilterProperties.<init>(FilterProperties.java:322) ~[na:0.0]
at CB_UI.GL_UI.Views.splash.ini_CacheDB(splash.java:389) ~[na:0.0]
at CB_UI.GL_UI.Views.splash.Initial(splash.java:117) ~[na:0.0]
at CB_UI_Base.GL_UI.CB_View_Base.render(CB_View_Base.java:100) ~[na:0.0]
at CB_UI_Base.GL_UI.GL_View_Base.renderChilds(GL_View_Base.java:446) ~[na:0.0]
at CB_UI_Base.GL_UI.GL_Listener.GL.render(GL.java:491) ~[na:0.0]
at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.android.AndroidGraphics.onDrawFrame(AndroidGraphics.java:422) ~[na:0.0]
at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.guardedRun(GLSurfaceView.java:1522) ~[na:0.0]
at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.run(GLSurfaceView.java:1239) ~[na:0.0]
15:27:34.048 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Core.DAO.CacheListDAO - ReadCacheList 1.Waypoints
15:27:34.328 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Core.DAO.CacheListDAO - ReadCacheList 2.Caches
15:27:34.343 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Utils.DB.Database_Core - DB Startup : /storage/emulated/0/CacheBox/User/FieldNotes.db3
15:27:34.417 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_UI.GL_UI.Views.splash - ini_MapPaks
15:27:34.422 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Locator.Map.ManagerBase - dirOwnMaps = /storage/emulated/0/CacheBox/repository/maps
15:27:34.427 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Locator.Map.ManagerBase - add: austria.map
15:27:34.428 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Locator.Map.ManagerBase - add: denmark.map
15:27:34.428 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Locator.Map.ManagerBase - add: germany.map
15:27:34.431 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Locator.Map.ManagerBase - add: italy.map
15:27:34.432 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Locator.Map.ManagerBase - add: switzerland.map
15:27:34.432 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Locator.Map.ManagerBase - dirDefaultMaps = /storage/emulated/0/CacheBox/repository/maps
15:27:34.434 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_Locator.Map.ManagerBase - dirGlobalMaps = /storage/emulated/0/CacheBox/repository/maps
15:27:34.539 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_UI.GL_UI.Views.splash - ini_TabMainView
15:27:34.544 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.Views.ViewGL - Set: RenderDirty
15:27:35.225 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_UI.GL_UI.Main.TabMainView - Start TabMainView-Initial
15:27:35.226 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_UI.GL_UI.Main.TabMainView - Start TabMainView-Initial
15:27:35.244 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_UI.GL_UI.Views.AboutView - CB_Logorec X,Y/Width,Height = 280.0,1425.8881/880.0,214.11191
15:27:35.258 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_UI.GL_UI.Main.TabMainView - Ende TabMainView-Initial
15:27:35.270 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_UI.GL_UI.Main.TabMainView - TabMainView: Set selectedCache to GC59RVX from lastSaved.
15:27:35.292 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG C.Map.MultiThreadQueueProcessor - Create MultiThreadQueueProcessor[0]
15:27:35.307 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_UI.GL_UI.Views.MapViewCacheList - MapCacheList.queueProcessor Create
15:27:35.309 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_UI.GL_UI.Views.MapViewCacheList - MapCacheList.queueProcessor Start
15:27:35.333 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_UI.GL_UI.Main.TabMainView - TabMainView SetContent maxY1905.3334
15:27:36.659 [main] DEBUG C.GL_UI.Main.Actions.CB_Action - ACTION => cacheList execute
15:27:36.671 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_UI.GL_UI.Views.CacheListView - CacheList onShow
15:27:36.673 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_UI.GL_UI.Views.CacheListView - CacheListView ctor CustomAdapter 4 Caches
15:27:37.180 [Timer-0] DEBUG CB_UI.GL_UI.Main.TabMainView - Rerlease aboutView
15:27:38.234 [main] DEBUG C.GL_UI.Main.Actions.CB_Action - ACTION => Description execute
15:27:38.240 [main] DEBUG CB_UI.GL_UI.Views.CacheListView - CacheList onHide
15:27:38.365 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG C.G.Controls.html.CB_HtmlProcessor - Append Text:

15:27:38.369 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG C.G.Controls.html.CB_HtmlProcessor - Append HR segment:
15:27:38.371 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG C.G.Controls.html.CB_HtmlProcessor - Append Text:

15:27:38.372 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG C.G.Controls.html.CB_HtmlProcessor - Push Tag ><i>
15:27:38.373 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG C.G.Controls.html.CB_HtmlProcessor - Append Text:Keine der geschilderten Handlungen und Personen sind erfunden. Ähnlichkeiten mit lebenden und verstorbenen Personen und deren Handlungen sind nicht zufällig. Die gesuchten Lösungen stehen in den Absätzen, unter denen die jeweiligen Buchstaben vermerkt sind.
Jeder Satz ist die Wahrheit, ein Spoiler oder ein Scherz oder alles zusammen. Wenn man es nicht weiß, kann man es überall nachlesen/-sehen/-hören, im WWW, im eigenen Haushalt, bei Freunden und in der „Bibel“.
15:27:38.374 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG C.G.Controls.html.CB_HtmlProcessor - Pop Tag ><i>
15:27:38.375 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG C.G.Controls.html.CB_HtmlProcessor - Append Text:

15:27:38.376 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG C.G.Controls.html.CB_HtmlProcessor - Append HR segment:
15:27:38.378 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG C.G.Controls.html.CB_HtmlProcessor - Append Text:
Dies ist der zweite Teil der Geschichte von mir – an Euch.

Ich hab es ja schon gesagt:……eins war mal klar: ich komm zurück!

Und siehe da: keine 3 Monate später war ich wieder in Hamburg. Neuer Auftrag für 3 Monate! 3x Hip-Hip-Hurra und 3x Yeah und willst Du ein Geheimnis wissen? Hier hatte ich meinen 13. Arbeitstag am 13. des Monats. Zum Glück kein Freitag!
15:27:38.379 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG C.G.Controls.html.CB_HtmlProcessor - Push Tag ><font color=" #FF0000">
15:27:38.380 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG C.G.Controls.html.CB_HtmlProcessor - Push Tag ><b>
15:27:38.381 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG C.G.Controls.html.CB_HtmlProcessor - Append Text: (A) (B)
15:27:38.415 [GLThread 3469] INFO HTML_PARSER - Cache:GC51RT1 CB_Utils.Exceptions.NotImplementedException: the methode "HTML Renderer Color < #FF0000> is not implemented" is not implemented!
15:27:38.508 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Set Android Content Sizeleft/top/right/bottom :0/541/0/276
15:27:38.514 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - ActView & aktTabView == NULL
15:27:40.696 [main] DEBUG C.GL_UI.Main.Actions.CB_Action - ACTION => Map execute
15:27:40.698 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Hide Android view
15:27:40.776 [Thread-3524] DEBUG CB_Locator.Map.ManagerBase - Open MapsForge Map: /storage/emulated/0/CacheBox/repository/maps/germany.map
15:27:42.180 [Timer-0] DEBUG CB_UI.GL_UI.Main.TabMainView - Rerlease CachelistView
15:27:43.605 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:27:43.896 [main] DEBUG C.GL_UI.Main.Actions.CB_Action - ACTION => TestView execute
15:27:47.366 [main] DEBUG C.GL_UI.Main.Actions.CB_Action - ACTION => about execute
15:27:47.367 [main] DEBUG CB_UI.GL_UI.Views.AboutView - CB_Logorec X,Y/Width,Height = 280.0,1185.8881/880.0,214.11191
15:27:48.255 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:27:49.495 [main] DEBUG C.GL_UI.Main.Actions.CB_Action - ACTION => settings execute
15:27:49.765 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:27:56.824 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:27:57.904 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:27:57.911 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:27:57.912 [main] DEBUG C.G.Controls.MessageBox.GL_MsgBox - Dispose GL_MsgBox=> MsgBox
15:27:57.913 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:27:59.060 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:28:00.728 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:28:02.050 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:28:03.266 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:28:16.668 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:28:17.902 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:28:17.906 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:28:17.907 [main] DEBUG C.G.Controls.MessageBox.GL_MsgBox - Dispose GL_MsgBox=> MsgBox
15:28:17.909 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:28:32.160 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - setScreenLockTimerNew
15:28:32.162 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - create ScreenLockTimer innstanz: 60000/60000
15:28:33.310 [main] DEBUG C.GL_UI.Main.Actions.CB_Action - ACTION => cacheList execute
15:28:33.321 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_UI.GL_UI.Views.CacheListView - CacheList onShow
15:28:33.322 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_UI.GL_UI.Views.CacheListView - CacheListView ctor CustomAdapter 4 Caches
15:28:33.986 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:28:35.125 [Thread-4115] DEBUG CB_UI.GL_UI.Views.CacheListView - CacheListChangedEvent on Cache List
15:28:35.128 [Thread-4115] DEBUG CB_UI.GL_UI.Views.CacheListView - CacheListView ctor CustomAdapter 4 Caches
15:28:37.182 [Timer-0] DEBUG CB_UI.GL_UI.Main.TabMainView - Rerlease aboutView
15:28:37.334 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:28:38.278 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:28:38.284 [Thread-4250] INFO C.G.A.F.EditFilterSettings - Main.ApplyFilter: Difficulty >= 0.0 and Difficulty <= 10.0 and Terrain >= 0.0 and Terrain <= 10.0 and Size >= 0.0 and Size <= 4.0 and Rating >= 0.0 and Rating <= 500.0 and Type in (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,21,22) and Name like '%%' and GcCode like '%%' and ( PlacedBy like '%%' or Owner like '%%' )
15:28:38.285 [Thread-4250] DEBUG CB_Core.DAO.CacheListDAO - ReadCacheList 1.Waypoints
15:28:38.617 [Thread-4250] DEBUG CB_Core.DAO.CacheListDAO - ReadCacheList 2.Caches
15:28:39.866 [Thread-4250] DEBUG C.GL_UI.Controls.Dialogs.WaitDialog - WaitDialog.Dismis
15:28:39.874 [Thread-4251] DEBUG CB_UI.GL_UI.Views.CacheListView - CacheListChangedEvent on Cache List
15:28:39.891 [Thread-4251] DEBUG CB_UI.GL_UI.Views.CacheListView - CacheListView ctor CustomAdapter 4169 Caches
15:28:39.892 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG C.GL_UI.Controls.Dialogs.WaitDialog - WaitDialog.disposed ID:[17] called:CB_UI_Base.GL_UI.GL_Listener.GL.closeDialog [Line:1660]
15:28:42.314 [main] DEBUG C.GL_UI.Main.Actions.CB_Action - ACTION => Description execute
15:28:42.316 [main] DEBUG CB_UI.GL_UI.Views.CacheListView - CacheList onHide
15:28:42.337 [GLThread 3469] ERROR CB_UI.GL_UI.Views.DescriptionView - getAttributesHtml():
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.util.Iterator java.util.ArrayList.iterator()' on a null object reference
at CB_UI.GL_UI.Views.DescriptionView.getAttributesHtml(DescriptionView.java:456) ~[na:0.0]
at CB_UI.GL_UI.Views.DescriptionView.setCache(DescriptionView.java:161) ~[na:0.0]
at CB_UI.GL_UI.Views.DescriptionView.onShow(DescriptionView.java:121) ~[na:0.0]
at CB_UI_Base.GL_UI.Main.CB_TabView$1$1.run(CB_TabView.java:180) ~[na:0.0]
at CB_UI_Base.GL_UI.GL_Listener.GL.render(GL.java:383) ~[na:0.0]
at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.android.AndroidGraphics.onDrawFrame(AndroidGraphics.java:422) ~[na:0.0]
at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.guardedRun(GLSurfaceView.java:1522) ~[na:0.0]
at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.run(GLSurfaceView.java:1239) ~[na:0.0]
15:28:42.339 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG C.G.Controls.html.CB_HtmlProcessor - Push Tag ><p>
15:28:42.341 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG C.G.Controls.html.CB_HtmlProcessor - Append Text: Bist du angekommen und stehst vor dem Stop Schild, bist du definitiv zu weit gegangen. Nicht viel zu weit, aber zu weit.
15:28:42.343 [GLThread 3469] INFO HTML_PARSER - Cache: CB_Utils.Exceptions.NotImplementedException: the methode "HTML Renderer Color < #FF0000> is not implemented" is not implemented!
15:28:42.418 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Set Android Content Sizeleft/top/right/bottom :0/541/0/276
15:28:42.421 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - ActView & aktTabView == NULL
15:28:44.830 [main] DEBUG C.GL_UI.Main.Actions.CB_Action - ACTION => Map execute
15:28:44.831 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Hide Android view
15:28:47.180 [Timer-0] DEBUG CB_UI.GL_UI.Main.TabMainView - Rerlease CachelistView
15:28:47.943 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:28:49.459 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:28:52.759 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:28:54.090 [main] DEBUG C.GL_UI.Main.Actions.CB_Action - ACTION => Fieldnotes execute
15:28:56.393 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:28:59.764 [main] DEBUG C.GL_UI.Main.Actions.CB_Action - ACTION => Fieldnotes execute
15:29:01.414 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:29:04.520 [main] DEBUG CB_Core.DAO.CacheListDAO - ReadCacheList 1.Waypoints
15:29:04.639 [main] DEBUG CB_Core.DAO.CacheListDAO - ReadCacheList 2.Caches
15:29:05.637 [main] DEBUG C.GL_UI.Main.Actions.CB_Action - ACTION => Description execute
15:29:05.656 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG C.G.Controls.html.CB_HtmlProcessor - Append Text:

15:29:05.659 [GLThread 3469] INFO HTML_PARSER - Cache:GC4T3HZ CB_Utils.Exceptions.NotImplementedException: the methode "HTML Renderer Color < #FF0000> is not implemented" is not implemented!
15:29:05.745 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Set Android Content Sizeleft/top/right/bottom :0/541/0/276
15:29:05.747 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - ActView & aktTabView == NULL
15:29:07.111 [main] DEBUG C.GL_UI.Main.Actions.CB_Action - ACTION => cacheList execute
15:29:07.114 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Hide Android view
15:29:07.125 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_UI.GL_UI.Views.CacheListView - CacheList onShow
15:29:07.126 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_UI.GL_UI.Views.CacheListView - CacheListView ctor CustomAdapter 4169 Caches
15:29:07.181 [Timer-0] DEBUG CB_UI.GL_UI.Main.TabMainView - Rerlease fieldNotesView
15:29:07.291 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG C.GL_UI.Controls.List.ListViewBase - SetListPos -> ScrollTO Item [3435]
15:29:07.293 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG CB_UI.GL_UI.Views.CacheListView - Scroll to:3435
15:29:07.320 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG C.GL_UI.Controls.List.ListViewBase - SetListPos -> ScrollTO Item [3435]
15:29:09.064 [main] DEBUG C.GL_UI.Main.Actions.CB_Action - ACTION => Description execute
15:29:09.066 [main] DEBUG CB_UI.GL_UI.Views.CacheListView - CacheList onHide
15:29:09.099 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG C.G.Controls.html.CB_HtmlProcessor - Append Text:

15:29:09.103 [GLThread 3469] INFO HTML_PARSER - Cache:GC518KB CB_Utils.Exceptions.NotImplementedException: the methode "HTML Renderer Color < #FF0000> is not implemented" is not implemented!
15:29:09.185 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Set Android Content Sizeleft/top/right/bottom :0/541/0/276
15:29:09.186 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - ActView & aktTabView == NULL
15:29:12.183 [Timer-0] DEBUG CB_UI.GL_UI.Main.TabMainView - Rerlease CachelistView
15:29:12.260 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Show AndroidView
15:29:13.422 [main] DEBUG C.G.Main.Actions.CB_Action_ShowQuit -
15:29:13.431 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - LastSelectedCache = GC518KB
15:29:13.466 [main] DEBUG C.G.Controls.MessageBox.GL_MsgBox - Dispose GL_MsgBox=> MsgBoxCachebox beenden?
15:29:13.476 [main] INFO de.cachebox_test.main - Main=> onPause
15:29:13.503 [GLThread 3469] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.Views.ViewGL - Set: RenderContinous
15:29:13.617 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Main=> onPause release SuppressPowerSaving
15:29:14.076 [main] DEBUG de.cachebox_test.main - Main=> onStop
15:29:14.082 [main] INFO de.cachebox_test.main - CACHEBOX
15:29:14.084 [main] INFO de.cachebox_test.main - Main=> onDestroy isFinishing